A faculty member instructs students in a lab.

Faculty contribute to KU’s internationalization efforts in a wide variety of ways. The resources below will help you identify opportunities and resources designed to support the internationalization of the student experience, engage in international research and program development, and identify resources for personal and professional development.

Why Engage with Internationalization at KU?

As a KU faculty member, you have opportunities to internationalize your own teaching, research, and service, contribute to the internationalization of student experiences, and support internationalization of your unit, field, and KU.

Every unit on campus is charged to incorporate internationalization as a core foundation of their Jayhawks Rising strategic plan. Your own internationalization efforts, whether undertaken as part of a systematic planning effort by your unit, or as a natural outgrowth of your particular teaching, research, or service interests, will contribute to the broader internationalization of the university. The Internationalization Toolkit is designed to help you come up with ideas and locate resources to support you in these endeavors.

Recommended Actions to Internationalize Your Unit’s Approach to Teaching or Research:

    • Visit with your colleagues, chair, director, or dean to learn about activities and supports in your department, division, school, or College.
    • Work with your department to consider ways to internationalize majors, minors, or graduate programs. What would internationalization look like in your discipline and how would an internationalized curriculum benefit your students?
    • Develop international partnerships that would benefit multiple faculty and/or students.

Recommended Actions to Internationalize Your Own Teaching, Reseach, or Service:

  • Utilize the information on Internationalizing the Student Experience, International Partnerships, and International Research and Program Development to deepen your understanding of internationalization at KU, and support your work in these areas.
  • Internationalize a course by adding international case studies, other relevant international content, or creating a collaborative online international learning experience with a university abroad.
  • Help internationalize the co-curriculum by creating a study or internship abroad opportunity.
  • Enhance supports for international students in your lab, research group, or department.
  • Promote international opportunities for students.
  • Consider working with other units such as IIGE or the Area Studies Centers to develop ideas for your own research or professional development that might involve another part of the world or to add international expertise to a grant proposal.
  • Apply for KUIA funds to support international research or partnership development.
  • Apply for a Faculty Fulbright to teach or conduct research abroad.
  • Engage in research abroad or develop an international partnership. Attend and present at international conferences in your discipline and make connections with international scholars.
  • Accept invitations to serve as a reviewer or as a member of the editorial board of international journals in your field.
  • Subscribe to the KUIA newsletter for reports on our progress and work.

Examples of Engagement

Resources for Faculty